The Wildlife Surrounds experience
Our goals are to conserve and protect the local biome in the following ways:
Implement practical local conservation initiatives to create a healthier, more resilient ecosystem for the benefit of native flora and fauna species.
Educate on the importance of environmental conservation through providing opportunities for meaningful engagement in environmental conservation projects, and to experience local native wildlife firsthand (public exhibition/wildlife shows, regular field days, workshops, working bees etc).
Conduct research primarily aimed towards developing sustainable relationships between humans and the local environment (i.e. farmers, and private landholders). Moreover, possible implementation of captive breeding programs for key threatened/endangered species when the organisation is established.
Our future vision
Wildlife Surrounds intend to provide a community hub for wildlife education and research. This will be achieved through the following ways.
Public tours such as school groups, community groups and general public.
Workshops where key environmental themes are explored, featuring expert guest speakers.
Collaboration with Universities to provide study sites for undergraduate field work and post-graduate research projects.
Creating a volunteer network to contribute to wildlife surveys and research undertaken by academic and community groups in the region.
Education and Environmental Services
We deliver educational programs and environmental consulting services to achieve innovative and practical solutions to conservation and land management, including:
Educational Programs
Community Events
Fauna Surveys
Pest Surveys
Vegetation Condition Assessments
Project Planning and Strategic Management
Environmental Management Plans