Our Project Partners

American Universities International Program

Wildlife Surrounds has been working with AUIP since 2022, delivering Educational Programs to American University students studying abroad in Australia. 

James Cook University - Work Integrated Learning Program

We are excited to share this video of Yvette’s experience during her placement at Wildlife Surrounds in June 2024. Yvette was our 10th student to complete placement from JCU. 

Like Yvette, most of our past placement students have stayed on as a regular volunteers, assisting with the daily tasks required to provide care and enrichment for our dingoes and other wildlife. 

VIDEO created by KimKleidon.com - KK Creative Content

Riparian Monitoring and Rehabilitation Planning project

The ‘Riparian Monitoring and Rehabilitation Planning’ project will provide rigorous and consistent condition assessments of riparian vegetation along key waterways of Townsville,  highlighting sites most in need of rehabilitation. 

Led by Wildlife Surrounds, the project will engage landholders, community groups and Traditional Owners. Risk assessments will identify the willingness and capacity of partners to participate on-ground works such as weed control and revegetation.

A summary and recommendations report will then be made available to help local leaders and community groups select sites for attention and investment. 

Placement students from James Cook University are supporting the delivery of assessments, and technical expertise behind the Healthy Waters Partnership and NRM Regions Queensland is informing its methods.

Riparian Site Assessments & Drone Imagery