Education & Environmental Services

We deliver educational programs and environmental consulting services to achieve innovative and practical solutions to conservation and land management.

Services we deliver ...

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Education and Community Events 

Education Programs

We deliver educational programs to local and travelling abroad university and school students.  Currently we offer the following programs:

Programs can be tailored to suit course or curriculum requisites.  

We deliver programs at Wildlife Surrounds, Magnetic Island and throughout North Queensland.

Click the flyers to view programs currently delivered by Wildlife Surrounds

"Shakira led a wonderful education program for our class traveling from the US through Queensland. We performed a koala population survey and a beach scrub vegetation survey. Both excellent examples of field ecological research with the added benefit of covering unique Australian species! We had a great time and learned a lot of biology from the activities."

- Christian George, High Point University (May 2023)

Community Events 

We host, deliver and present at community events throughout North Queensland, including at Wildlife Surrounds and our local Scott Rural Fire Brigade shed in Mount Surround.

Our events bring organisations, community groups, landholders and local businesses together to achieve innovative and practical solutions to conservation and land management.

To discuss a community event please contact us.

Environmental Consulting Services 

Fauna Surveys 

We provide quality baseline and routine fauna assessments as well as targeted species studies, including:

Long-term monitoring programs and management plans can be developed to meet clients needs.  

We are currently obtaining our permit to provide spotter catcher services.  

Pest Surveys 

We provide quality baseline and routine pest surveys as well as targeted pest species surveys. Our services include:

Vegetation Assessments

We provide quality baseline and routine vegetation assessments as well as targeted species surveys, including:

Drone Imagery & Mapping

We have the appropriate licencing to deliver drone services, such as

Environmental Management Plans

We have over 15 years experience in environmental management, conservation and land management, and project management including: 

Project Planning and Strategic Management

Our strong understanding of the principles of conservation, natural resource management, and relevant environmental legislation enable us to offer: 

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